Dinosaurs Do Not Exist


The Dinosaur Deception

For a long time I have desired to establish a page on this website about dinosaurs, debunking their existence in history to rid a foolishness from your minds. In order to do so, I will need to spiritually define two major sources of information within the bible, known as Behemoth and Leviathan. But before we begin, if you have not read my reasoning for why the world would lie about the size and shape of the earth on the top of my Flat Earth page, please do so. It clearly explains the purpose of conspiracies such as this one, and the benefits to the world for establishing them, to keep the masses in a deep geographic and historical sleep.

The reason I will be beginning with Behemoth and Leviathan in this section is because they are the two sources of information that typical foolish pastors use to explain away a false history they cannot comprehend. However, by the end of my explanations you will clearly see their proper physical and spiritual representations as intended, and have a deeper understanding of true biblical definitions for terms and metaphors.

Part 1 - Behemoth

Section 1: Physical Representation

We will begin with the behemoth, a name for a beast established within Job 40, who is described in great detail, if you know where to look. I will break this down into manageable steps so you can see how to build a conclusion when studying a particular subject within the bible. However, in order to properly prove my conclusion, I will need to provide it to you before we continue, so that I can align these verses according to the beast they represent. Through this physical representation I will prove to you that behemoth is describing a rhinoceros in the following verses.

Job 40
15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

We learn four things from this mention of behemoth. The first being that behemoth is not capitalized, therefore it is not a name for a specific person, but is the name that represents a noun, such as a beast. Second, he can be “beheld”, meaning viewed and is not invisible (which would be spiritual only). Third, he was made with Job, meaning not made before man existed, but existing with man at the same time (disproving historical representations of behemoth before people, aka dinosaurs). And fourth, he eateth grass as an ox, therefore is a herbivore, a beast that feeds on plants, just like a rhinoceros.

Job 40
16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.

From here we can see that his strength rests in his legs, meaning he must be strong enough to move his body with force for a purpose. This indicates a central center of gravity (from the loins and navel), which is defined from Oxford Languages as, “a point from which the weight of a body or system may be considered to act.” Which is exactly how a rhinoceros generates it's force and momentum.

And we also can see something extremely telling, that this particular beast possesses a navel. This is significant because if you believed in the common reptilian description of dinosaurs and their association with leviathan and behemoth, that would be an impossibility.

A navel is what is known as a “belly-button”, or the location in which the umbilical cord is attached at birth. The only beasts that possess a navel are those that are mammals, which directly disqualifies behemoth from being a supposed dinosaur. All dinosaurs were purportedly egg-laying reptiles, meaning their embryos received all the nutrients required from their yolk sac, and would not contain a navel.

Next I will explain the first half of Job 40, verse 17 which says,

17 He moveth his tail like a cedar:

This verse is typically used to say that behemoths tail is “as long as a cedar tree” and therefore is a large dinosaur. Which is foolish because it clearly states that he moveth his tail like a cedar moves itself. Cedar trees have tall trunks and at their crown is a bush of leaves. Because they are so tall (30-40m, or 100-130ft), the tops of the trees tend to sway back and forth, flicking their crowns from side to side, as you can see in this video.

Their movement is very similar to that of how a rhinoceros moves his tail, and their appearance even matches. A rhinoceros tail is long, thicker at the base, and comes to a tip with a crown of hair, just like a cedar.

Now we will finish the rest of verse 17 which says,

17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

The word “sinew” is defined by Oxford Languages as, “a piece of tough fibrous tissue uniting muscle to bone or bone to bone; a tendon or ligament.” And it’s plural form is defined as, “the parts of a structure, system, or thing that give it strength or bind it together.” Using this explanation, and viewing the thick plated skin of a rhinoceros, you will be able to understand why the word “stones” is used.

As you can see, the skin of the rhinoceros has the appearance of stones, and according to this article, their skin can be up to two inches (2”) thick and is made up of fibers and collagen (sinews) that are woven (wrapped) together. Some even call it their “body armor” because of how strong these fibrous stones can be.

Job 40
18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

The reason for the distinction between the brass and iron here is to first describe the color of their bones, using the word “as” because it gives the visual for the strong, individual pieces of brass, as you can see below. Then the Bible states that they are “like” bars of iron, describing the sturdiness of their structural components. A rhinoceros can weigh more than 7,000 lbs, which proves how their bones are like iron, holding up their massive anatomy. Additionally, they can also carry 900 lbs or more on their back, according to this article, without impeding their musculoskeletal function.

Job 40
20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.
21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.
22 The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.

These verses are all describing the physical habitats of the rhinoceros, which are native to Africa and Southeast Asia. We see that mountains and fields are where he feeds, and also he is located in a region around other beasts. He spends his time in the shade, or covert of reeds (tall, leaved plants of the grass family, growing in water or marshy ground), and fens (a low, marshy, and frequently flooded area of land). As well as, within streams and rivers, because the Bible states that the willows are compassed around him within the brook.

We already learned that rhinos are herbivores, and feed on various plants, as stated with the mountains and fields bringing forth their food. According to this website, we can see that rhinos are more active in the morning and evening, spending their daytime sleeping or resting (lying) in shade or water to avoid the heat. Also spending time around other animals (beasts), birds even lodging upon them in a symbiotic relationship of sorts, aligning with the description of the trees, and covering of shadows, often associated with birds in the bible. But in general, their habitat is very situated around savannas, grasslands, and forests, where water and mud holes can be found.

Job 40
23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.

This verse has multiple spiritual implications that we will get into in the next section, but the physical manifestations should be evident and we will see how they align with our depiction of the rhinoceros. First, the fact that the rhinos habitat is situated around rivers is well suited for this explanation. But secondly, the more descriptive factor is that it shows that this beast can consume large amounts of water.

According to this website, we see that the white rhino (as the other rhinoceros species) can drink up to 80 liters of water in a single day. This is why the Bible illustrates the imagery of drawing up the Jordan into its mouth.

Additionally, in the video below you can see that the rhinoceros "hasteth not", meaning drinks slowly, being a larger mammal of the field with far less predators. Unlike some animals that will consume their water extremely quickly for fear of becoming prey, as well as various other biological reasons.

Job 40
24 He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.

We will cover the first half of this verse in more detail when I explain the spiritual representations of behemoth, in how he can take the Jordan with his eyes. But there are other forms of biblically accurate eyes, which are the eyes of the neurons, as explained in this blog post The Dreadful Rings. Meaning, all of the senses are eyes to the hidden mind to gather information from the outside world. One example you can see from these images of rhinos is, their ears are cup shaped to funnel sounds from their environment and locate the things they require such as the sound of rivers, streams, other animals nearby, etc. Taking in their vast territory through the use of their physical locators.

The second half of the scripture shows us an integral part of his physical description in that his nose has the capability of piercing objects. This is an evident and well-known trait of the rhinoceros, that their noses contain a strong, and pointed horn used for that very task. According to this article, rhino horns are composed primarily of keratin, a protein found in human hair and fingernails. They form in layers, like skin cells, but these layers become hardened and solidify down to the center of the horn. This allows it to be used in their protection, which is why the bible stated their nose pierces through snares, it means they get out of danger using this very mechanism.

Section 2: Spiritual Representation

This section will be updated after Part 2 - Leviathan, Section 1: Physical Representation is completed.

Part 2 - Leviathan

Section 1: Physical Representation

We will now cover the leviathan, a name for the beast described in most detail throughout Job 41, but also has many other depictions throughout scripture. Unlike behemoth, which is only mentioned once in Job 40.

Again, I will break these verses down into individual parts and use them to prove my conclusion, but you must first hear which well-known beast they represent in order for me to do so. With these physical explanations I will prove to you that leviathan is in fact describing a crocodile.

Job 41
Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?
Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn?

Beginning with these two scriptures we learn where we would find leviathan, somewhere where a cord with a hook and thorn can be let down. A cord with a hook is clearly describing a fishing pole, therefore, leviathan must be located within the waters. Additionally, we see that he is too strong to be bore through with a simple fishing hook, and too powerful to be taken up by a cord.

We also learn that leviathan has a nose, which is not a feature that can be found on fish. This gives the mention of his nose, and strong jaw, significance as defining characteristics. We are beginning to build the picture that leviathan is a powerful beast within fishing waters, that should not be taken lightly, just as a crocodile.